AFYREN NEOXY is the result of a joint venture between AFYREN and Bpifrance SPI Fund.

AFYREN NEOXY is the first production facility to implement AFYREN’s Technology and know-how. Located at the CHEMESIS industrial platform in Carling Saint-Avold, it produces a family of 7 organic acids.

This plant is situated in the heart of Europe, close to its target markets, while retaining its ability to export its specialty acids worldwide.

Solutions manufactured
+ 16 k t/year
Production capacity
+ 60
Direct jobs created

A strategic location

AFYREN has chosen to locate its factories as close as possible to its markets in France and abroad, and to available biomass deposits. This approach enables us to sell biobased acids produced within a short distance to customers, significantly reducing their environmental footprint.

AFYREN NEOXY is strategically located in Carling St-Avold, close to the major players in our markets (notably in France and Germany) and to our suppliers of sugar beet by-products, located (within a 300 km radius). The industrial platform offers a wide range of technical and industrial skills, facilitating recruitment and partnerships.

afyren factory
afyren map


In the “societal” category for our innovative recruitment programme:

Built in partnership with Pôle Emploi, the IUT in St Avold, the OPCO 2I and with the support of France Chimie Grand Est, this programme was implemented to complete AFYREN NEOXY’s production team, in a context of scarcity of profiles for industrial jobs.

In total, the programme enabled the recruitment of around twenty employees (including 12 via the MRS method), who embodied AFYREN’s values (commitment, agility and humility) and formed a high-performance, committed and diverse production team.


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